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CLC2024 Support Package


CLC2024 Support Package is a software tool for European CLC2024 change detection and mapping. It is a significantly modified and improved version of the CLC2018 Support Package. CLC2024 software is a set of standalone applications developed with Embarcadero Delphi 11 and TatukGIS Developer Kernel 11.74. Thus user does not need to purchase, install and tune any other software to carry out CLC2024 change mapping.

Commonly a GIS software is designed primarily for viewing GIS databases with tools for creating maps, menus for handling databases and graphical editing tools. If software has editing possibilities too, these are general tools, not specialized for individual tasks. On the contrary, CLC2024 Support Package is a specialized, task oriented software, that significantly facilitates updating, change detection and mapping, quality control and correction of CORINE land cover databases by means of computer-assisted visual photo­interpretation. Consequently, this software is not applicable for creating, viewing or editing GIS databases in general. For theese purposes one can use any common commercial (e.g. ESRI ArcGIS) or free (e.g. QGIS) software.


Professional integrated software development environment for creating applications for arbitrary purposes. Delphi was originally developed by Borland Software Corporation as a rapid application development tool for Windows, based on the Object Pascal programming language. Since 2008 Embarcadero Technologies owns Borland's developer tools section.
Last versions generate native code for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems, as well as for 32-bit Mac OS X, iOS and Android operating system.


The TatukGIS Developer Kernel is a comprehensive GIS Visual Componenet Library for the custom development of stand-alone, embedded, and client-server applications using object-oriented languages. The Developer Kernel is generally oriented to open standards and designed to comply with a number of OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards. Features include nearly 3000 pre-defined coordinate systems, on-the-fly map layer reprojection, support for most vector, image, grid, and SQL database map layer formats, including 3rd party spatial server database formats, most database engines, and an extensive API with approximately 2,300 functions and properties. All data formats are supported in a native manor, so without conversion to any internal or proprietary data format. The Developer Kernel is available as native Delphi/C++Builder Visual Component Library, and is licensed per registered developer therefore is free of deployment royalties in most situations. TatukGIS has good references world-wide.

Schedule of the development

  • 15.10.2024 Signature of contract between Lechner Knowledge Center and the author.
  • 15.11.2024 Starting beta test with the main functions.
  • 31.12.2024 Starting final test with the fully operational software.
  • 15.01.2025 Starting deployment of the software.

About the software

The CLC2024 Support Package software has been developed for the Lechner Non-profit Ltd. (LTK), legal successor of the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI). LTK as consortium member of European Topic Centre on Data Integration and Digitalization (ETC/DI) assists the European Environment Agency (EEA) in implementation of the European CLC2024 project, a component of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. CLC2024 software development is funded by Service Contract No 3506/R0-COPERNCA/EEA.60044 between EEA and ETC/DI.

Copyright Taracsák Gábor 2012–2025 – Hungary
Program development and text: Taracsák, Gábor
English translation: Kosztra, Barbara

  © Photos: Büttner György, Fehér Sándor, Tóth Lajos   © 2012–2025 Taracsák Gábor
CLC2024 Support Package homepage